Thursday, January 29, 2009

More thoughts on the usefulness of this blog

As any reader of this blog can clearly see, I don't update this much. I've ended up turning in most of my assignments in directly even with the blog, since it's not worth the effort to type it out after I've already written it out by hand. Even when I have something typed out, I don't usually take the time to even copy paste it into the blog, since it's already been turned in. Essentially, this means this blog hasn't seen much use since the end of first quarter, since we haven't even gone to the computer lab to work on it.
I definitely see the reason for making the blogs - it gets us more involved with technology, and I think it's a good step, but I'm not entirely certain that it's worth doing until we have constant access to a computer at all times at school, instead of having to go to the lab. At some point I think I'll upload everything that I already have typed up, but honestly, I doubt many people besides Ms. Peifer are actually reading this blog.